2/08/2010 05:07:00 PM


Last year, I started taking Nihongo lessons. The lessons have been hard but fun and interesting. The only problem I see right now is that I don't speak the language very often so there are times when I forget some of the lessons we've covered. I've racked my brain as to how I can put it to use but to no avail.

Today, while I was searching the internet for resources, I stumbled upon a blog (which I can't seem to find again) that's written in Japanese. Impressed because the writer seems to be a non-native speaker like myself, I found myself browsing through the site trying to decipher what the blogger wrote. It didn't take long for me to realize that I have a long way to go before I can understand most of what's written. Then it hit me, I can start a blog to chronicle my Nihongo lessons. I'll post the lessons I've been learning as well as my thoughts on the whole learning process. I will also use the language to blog about various stuffs. This way, I don't have to worry about not using the language. Maybe I'll even throw in some reviews and/or recommend some sort of Japanese entertainment (i.e. movies, anime, songs) while I'm at it. いいですね。

So I guess that's about it. みなさん、よろしくおねがいします。